BPM Microsystems Device Search

1022 Device Supported by SM20P:

AMD Am27LS19 PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15SU PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8D PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-25H PLCC(20)
AMD Am27S18 PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15XC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-25Q PLCC(20)
AMD Am27S19 PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15XI PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4A PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-30H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16H8 PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15XU PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4A-2 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-30Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16H8A PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8C as PAL16L8 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4A-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-35H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16H8AL PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8C as PAL16R4 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4B PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-35Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16H8B PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8C as PAL16R6 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4B-2 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 10H8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16H8L PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8C as PAL16R8 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4B-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 10L8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16H8Q PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8C PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R4D PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 10P8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16HD8 PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8CEXT PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 12H6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16HD8A PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8CZ as PAL16L8 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6A PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 12L6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16HD8AL PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8CZ as PAL16R4 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6A-2 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 12P6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16HD8B PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8CZ as PAL16R6 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6A-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 14H4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16HD8L PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8CZ as PAL16R8 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6B PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 14L4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16HD8Q PLCC(20) Atmel ATF16V8CZ PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6B-2 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 14P4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8 PLCC(20) Cypress CY3LV002 (ID=78h) PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6B-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16H2 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8A PLCC(20) Cypress CY3LV010 (ID=F7h) PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R6D PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16H8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8AL PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16L8-20 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16L2 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8B PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16L8-25 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8A PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16L8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8BNL PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16L8-30 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8A-2 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16P2 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8D PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16L8-35 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8A-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16P8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8L PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16L8-40 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8B PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16R4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16L8Q PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16L8L-25 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8B-2 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16R6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16LD8 PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16L8L-35 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8B-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16R8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16LD8A PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R4-20 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16R8D PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16RP4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16LD8AL PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R4-25 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16X4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16RP6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16LD8B PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R4-30 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16L8Q-25 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8/AS/S as 16RP8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16LD8L PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R4-35 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16L8Z-35 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8AS-10H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16LD8Q PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R4-40 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16R4Q-25 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8AS-12H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R4 PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R4L-25 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16R4Z-35 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8AS-15H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R4A PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R4L-35 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16R6Q-25 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8S-20E PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R4AL PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R6-20 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16R6Z-35 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8S-20H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R4B PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R6-25 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16R8Q-25 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8S-20Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R4D PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R6-30 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC16R8Z-35 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8S-25E PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R4L PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R6-35 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC18U8Q-25 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8S-25H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R4Q PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R6-40 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC18U8Q-30 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8S-25Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R6 PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R6L-25 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC18U8Q-35 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-15H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R6A PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R6L-35 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PALC18U8Q-40 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-15Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R6AL PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R8-20 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PLE8P8 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-20H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R6B PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R8-25 PLCC(20) Microchip Technology 37LV128 (ID=72h) PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-20Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R6D PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R8-30 PLCC(20) Microchip Technology 37LV36 (ID=70h) PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-25H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R6L PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R8-35 PLCC(20) Microchip Technology 37LV65 (ID=71h) PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-25Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R6Q PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R8-40 PLCC(20) Motorola MPA17128 (ID=72h) PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-30H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R8 PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R8L-25 PLCC(20) Motorola MPA1765 (ID=71h) PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-30Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R8A PLCC(20) Cypress PALC16R8L-35 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82HS195 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-35H PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R8AL PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-10JC PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82HS195A PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8-35Q PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R8B PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-10JC as PAL16L8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82HS195B PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 10H8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R8D PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-10JC as PAL16R4 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S123 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 10L8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R8L PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-10JC as PAL16R6 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S123A PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 10P8 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL16R8Q PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-10JC as PAL16R8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S126 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 12H6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL18P8 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-15JC PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S126A PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 12L6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL18P8A PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-15JC as PAL16L8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S129 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 12P6 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL18P8AL PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-15JC as PAL16R4 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S129A PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 14H4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL18P8B PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-15JC as PAL16R6 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S137 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 14L4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL18P8L PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-15JC as PAL16R8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S137A PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 14P4 PLCC(20)
AMD AmPAL18P8Q PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-25JC PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S137B PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16H2 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16L8-5 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-25JC as PAL16L8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S137C PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16H8 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16L8-7 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-25JC as PAL16R4 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S147 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16L2 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16L8D/2 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-25JC as PAL16R6 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S147A PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16L8 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16L8H-10 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-25JC as PAL16R8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S147B PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16P2 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R4-5 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-7JC PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S150 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16P8 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R4-7 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-7JC as PAL16L8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S151 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16R4 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R4D/2 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-7JC as PAL16R4 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S152 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16R6 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R4H-10 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-7JC as PAL16R6 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S153 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16R8 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R6-5 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8-7JC as PAL16R8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S155 (ABEL) PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16RP4 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R6-7 PLCC(20) Cypress PALCE16V8L PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S155 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16RP6 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R6D/2 PLCC(20) Cypress PLDC18G8-12 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S157 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8/AS/S as 16RP8 PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R6H-10 PLCC(20) Cypress PLDC18G8-15 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S159 (ABEL) PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8AS-10H PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R8-5 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL16CV8J PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S159 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8AS-12H PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R8-7 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL16CV8P PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S23 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8AS-15H PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R8D/2 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL16CV8s PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors 82S23A PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8S-20E PLCC(20)
AMD PAL16R8H-10 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL16V8P PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors LVT16V8 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8S-20H PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 10H8 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL18CV8-10 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors LVTL16V8 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8S-20Q PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 10L8 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL18CV8-15 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PHD16N8-5 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8S-25E PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 10P8 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL18CV8-20 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLC153 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8S-25H PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 12H6 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL18CV8-25 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLC16V8 PLCC(20) STMicroelectronics GAL16V8S-25Q PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 12L6 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL18CV8-30 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLC18V8Z PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 12P6 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL18CV8-35 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLHS16L8A PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 14H4 PLCC(20) ICT PEEL18LV8ZJ PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLHS16L8B PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 14L4 PLCC(20) Intel 85C220-66 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS151 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 14P4 PLCC(20) Intel 85C220-80 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS152 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8L-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16H2 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-10LJ PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS153A PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8L-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16H8 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-10LJN PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS155 (ABEL) PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8L-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16L2 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-15LJ PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS155 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16L8L-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16L8 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-15LJN PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS157 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16P2 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-7LJ PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS159 (ABEL) PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16P8 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-7LJN PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS159 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16R4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-LJ PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS159A (ABEL) PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16R6 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C-LJN PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLS159A PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4L-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16R8 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8C/Z/ZD PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS153 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4L-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16RP4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16LV8D PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS153-10 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4L-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16RP6 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS153B PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R4L-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8 as 16RP8 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 10H8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS153D PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8H-10 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 10L8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16L8-7 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8H-15 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 10P8 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16L8D PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8H-20E4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 12H6 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16R4-7 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8H-25 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 12L6 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16R4D PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6L-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8H-5/5 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 12P6 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16R6-7 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6L-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8H-7/5 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 14H4 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16R6D PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6L-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8H/4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 14L4 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16R8-7 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R6L-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Q PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 14P4 PLCC(20) NXP Semiconductors PLUS16R8D PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Q-10/5 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16H2 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor DM54S472 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Q-15/4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16H8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor DM54S473 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Q-25/4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16L2 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor DM74S288AV PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Z-15 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16L8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor DM74S288V PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8L-15 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Z-15/5 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16P2 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor DM74S472 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8L-20 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Z-25 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16P8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor DM74S473 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8L-25 PLCC(20)
AMD PALCE16V8Z-25/4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16R4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8 PLCC(20) Samsung CPL16R8L-35 PLCC(20)
AMD PALLV16V8-10/5 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16R6 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 10H8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82HS195 PLCC(20)
AMD PALLV16V8Z-20 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16R8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 10L8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82HS195A PLCC(20)
AMD PALLV16V8Z-25/5 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16RP4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 10P8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82HS195B PLCC(20)
AMD PALLV16V8Z-30/4 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16RP6 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 12H6 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S123 PLCC(20)
AMI(GOULD) PEEL18CV8-10 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8 Family as 16RP8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 12L6 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S123A PLCC(20)
AMI(GOULD) PEEL18CV8-15 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10LJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 12P6 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S126 PLCC(20)
AMI(GOULD) PEEL18CV8-20 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10LJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 14H4 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S126A PLCC(20)
AMI(GOULD) PEEL18CV8-25 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10LJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 14L4 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S129 PLCC(20)
AMI(GOULD) PEEL18CV8-30 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10LJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 14P4 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S129A PLCC(20)
AMI(GOULD) PEEL18CV8-35 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10QJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16H2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S137 PLCC(20)
AT&T Microelectronics ATT17128A (ID=72h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10QJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16H8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S137A PLCC(20)
AT&T Microelectronics ATT1736A (ID=70h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10QJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16L2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S137C PLCC(20)
AT&T Microelectronics ATT1765A (ID=71h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-10QJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16L8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S147 PLCC(20)
Altera EP220-10A PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15LJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16P2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S147A PLCC(20)
Altera EP220-12 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15LJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16P8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S147B PLCC(20)
Altera EP220LC-10 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15LJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16R4 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S150 PLCC(20)
Altera EP220LC-10A PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15LJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16R6 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S151 PLCC(20)
Altera EP220LC-12 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15QJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16R8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S152 PLCC(20)
Altera EP220LC-7 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15QJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16RP4 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S153 PLCC(20)
Altera EP220LC-7A PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15QJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16RP6 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S155 (ABEL) PLCC(20)
Altera EP220LI-12 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-15QJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8/A/QS as 16RP8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S155 PLCC(20)
Altera EP300 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25LJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S157 PLCC(20)
Altera EP310 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25LJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor GAL16V8QS PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S159 (ABEL) PLCC(20)
Altera EP310-2 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25LJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL10H8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S159 PLCC(20)
Altera EP310-3 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25LJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL10H8A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S23 PLCC(20)
Altera EP320 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25QJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL10H8A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) 82S23A PLCC(20)
Altera EP320-1 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25QJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL10L8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PHD16N8-5 PLCC(20)
Altera EP320-2 PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25QJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL10L8A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLC153 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1 (ID=3501h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-25QJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL10L8A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLC16V8 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-3LJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL12H6 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLC18V8Z PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064LC20 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-3LJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL12H6A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLHS16L8A PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064PC8 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-3QJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL12H6A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLHS16L8B PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064TC32 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-3QJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL12L6 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS151 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064V (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-5LJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL12L6A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS152 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064VLC20 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-5LJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL12L6A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS153A PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064VPC8 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-5QJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL14H4 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS155 (ABEL) PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1064VTC32 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-5QJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL14H4A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS155 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1213 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7LJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL14H4A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS157 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1213LC20 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7LJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL14L4 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS159 (ABEL) PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1213PC8 (ID=3201h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7LJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL14L4A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS159 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1441 (ID=3700h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7LJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL14L4A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS159A (ABEL) PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1441LC20 (ID=3700h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7QJ PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16C1 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLS159A PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1441PC8 (ID=3700h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7QJI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16C1A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS153 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1LC20 (ID=3501h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7QJN PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16C1A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS153-10 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1LC20N (ID=3501h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16V8D-7QJNI PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16H2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS153B PLCC(20)
Altera EPC1LI20N (ID=3501h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL16VP8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16H2A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS153D PLCC(20)
Altera EPC2 (ID=3801h) PLCC(20) Lattice GAL18V10/B PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16H2A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16L8-7 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC2 as EPC1 (ID=3801h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 10H8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16L8D PLCC(20)
Altera EPC2 as EPC1441 (ID=3801h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 10L8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L2A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16R4-7 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC2LC20 (ID=3801h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 10P8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L2A2 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16R4D PLCC(20)
Altera EPC2LI20 (ID=3801h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 12H6 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16R6-7 PLCC(20)
Altera EPC2TC32 (ID=3801h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 12L6 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8-5 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16R6D PLCC(20)
Altera EPC2TI32 (ID=3801h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 12P6 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8-7 PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16R8-7 PLCC(20)
Altera EPM5016L PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 14H4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8A PLCC(20) Signetics(Philips) PLUS16R8D PLCC(20)
Altera EPM5016LC PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 14L4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8A2 PLCC(20) Tekmos TK17LV040 (ID=3369h) PLCC(20)
Altera EPM5016LI PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 14P4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8B PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16L8A PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C002 (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16H2 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8B2 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16L8A-2 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C002-10JC (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16H8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16L8D PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16R4A PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C002-10JI (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16L2 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16R4A-2 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C002A (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16L8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4-5 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16R6A PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C010 (ID=F7h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16P2 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4-7 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16R6A-2 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C010A (ID=F7h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16P8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4A PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16R8A PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C020 (ID=73h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16R4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4A2 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments PAL16R8A-2 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C128 (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16R6 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4B PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAD16N8-7 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C128-10JC (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16R8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4B2 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAD18N8-6 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C128-10JI (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16RP4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R4D PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16L8-10 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C128A (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16RP6 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16L8-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C256 (ID=77h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8 as 16RP8 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6-5 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16L8-25 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C256A (ID=77h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8H-10 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6-7 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16L8-5 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C512 (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8H-15 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6A PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16L8-7 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C512-10JC (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8H-20E4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6A2 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16L8H-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C512-10JI (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8H-25 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6B PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R4-10 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C512A (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8H-5/5 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6B2 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R4-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C65 (ID=7Fh) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8H-7/5 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R6D PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R4-25 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17C65A (ID=7Fh) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8H/4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R4-5 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-30JU (Double Programming) (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Q PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8-5 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R4-7 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-30JU (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Q-10/5 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8-7 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R4H-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-30VJC (Double Programming) (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Q-15/4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8A PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R6-10 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-30VJC (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Q-25/4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8A2 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R6-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-30VJI (Double Programming) (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Z-15 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8B PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R6-25 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-30VJI (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Z-15/5 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8B2 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R6-5 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-J (Double Programming) (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Z-25 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16R8D PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R6-7 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-J (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALCE16V8Z-25/4 PLCC(20) National Semiconductor PAL16RA8 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R6H-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040-VJ (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALLV16V8-10/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82HS195 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R8-10 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040A-30JU (Double Programming) (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALLV16V8Z-20 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82HS195A PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R8-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040A-30JU (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALLV16V8Z-25/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82HS195B PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R8-25 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040A-J (Double Programming) (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice PALLV16V8Z-30/4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S123 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R8-5 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040A-J (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice ispGDS14 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S123A PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R8-7 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040A-JU (Double Programming) (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 10H8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S126 PLCC(20) Texas Instruments TIBPAL16R8H-15 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F040A-JU (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 10L8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S126A PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 10H8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F080-BJC (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 10P8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S129 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 10L8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F080-BJI (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 12H6 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S129A PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 10P8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F080-J (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 12L6 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S137 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 12H6 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F080-JU (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 12P6 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S137A PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 12L6 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F080A-30JU (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 14H4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S137B PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 12P6 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F080A-J (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 14L4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S137C PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 14H4 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F080A-JU (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 14P4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S147 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 14L4 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F16-30JC (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16H2 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S147A PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 14P4 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F16-30JI (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16H8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S147B PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16H2 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F16-J (ID=C3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16L2 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S150 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16H8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F16A-30JU (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16L8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S151 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16L2 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17F16A-J (ID=A3h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16P2 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S152 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16L8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV002 (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16P8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S153 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16P2 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV002-10JC (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16R4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S155 (ABEL) PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16P8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV002-10JI (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16R6 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S155 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16R4 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV002-10JU (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16R8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S157 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16R6 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV002-JU (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16RP4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S159 (ABEL) PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16R8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV002A (ID=78h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16RP6 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S159 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16RP4 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV010 (ID=F7h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8 as 16RP8 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S23 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16RP6 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV010A (ID=F7h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8H-10 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors 82S23A PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E as 16RP8 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV020 (ID=73h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8H-15 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors LVT16V8 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E-25 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV020A (ID=73h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8H-20E4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors LVTL16V8 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8E-35 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV128 (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8H-25 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PHD16N8-5 PLCC(20) VLSI Technology VP16V8EQ-25 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV128-10JC (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8H-5/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLC153 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1701 (ID=DAh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV128-10JI (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8H-7/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLC16V8 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1701L (ID=DBh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV128A (ID=FFh) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8H/4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLC18V8Z PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17128 PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV256 (ID=77h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Q PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLHS16L8A PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17128D (ID=8Fh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV256A (ID=77h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Q-10/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLHS16L8B PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17128E (ID=8Dh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV512 (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Q-15/4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS151 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17128EL(X) (ID=8Ch) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV512-10JC (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Q-25/4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS152 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17128L (ID=8Eh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV512-10JI (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Z-15 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS153A PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1718D (ID=CFh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV512A (ID=37h) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Z-15/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS155 (ABEL) PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1718L (ID=CEh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV65 (ID=7Fh) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Z-25 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS155 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17256D (ID=AFh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT17LV65A (ID=7Fh) PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALCE16V8Z-25/4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS157 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17256E (Custom-01) (ID=ADh) PLCC(20)
Atmel AT18V8Z-25 PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALLV16V8-10/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS159 (ABEL) PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17256E (ID=ADh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16LV8C PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALLV16V8Z-20 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS159 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17256EL(X) (ID=ACh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16LV8CEXT PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALLV16V8Z-25/5 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS159A (ABEL) PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17256L (ID=AEh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8B-10JU PLCC(20) Lattice/Vantis PALLV16V8Z-30/4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLS159A PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1736 PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8B-15JU PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) 53S280 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS153 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1736D (ID=EFh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8B/L as PAL16L8 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) 53S281 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS153-10 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1736E (ID=EDh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8B/L as PAL16R4 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) 53S281A PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS153B PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17512L (ID=9Bh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8B/L as PAL16R6 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) 63S280 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS153D PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1765D (ID=FFh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8B/L as PAL16R8 PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) 63S281 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16L8-7 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1765E (ID=FDh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8B/L PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) 63S281A PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16L8D PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1765EL(X) (ID=FCh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQ PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16A4 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16R4-7 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC1765L (ID=FEh) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQ-10JC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16C1 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16R4D PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17S05XL(L) (ID=87h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQ-10PC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16C1-2 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16R6-7 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17S10XL(L) (ID=89h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQ-10SC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16H2 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16R6D PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17S20XL(L) (ID=A9h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQ-10XC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16H2-2 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16R8-7 PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17S30XL(L) (ID=A7h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L2 PLCC(20) Philips Semiconductors PLUS16R8D PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17S40XL(L) (ID=99h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15JC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L2-2 PLCC(20) Ricoh EPL16P8F PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17V01-PC20 (ID=12h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15JI PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8 PLCC(20) Ricoh EPL16RP4F PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17V02PC20 (ID=32h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15JU PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8A PLCC(20) Ricoh EPL16RP6F PLCC(20) Xilinx XC17V04PC20 (ID=B2h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15PC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8A-2 PLCC(20) Ricoh EPL16RP8F PLCC(20) Xilinx XC18V01-PC20 (ID=5024h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15PI PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8A-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-15H PLCC(20) Xilinx XC18V256-PC20 (ID=5022h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15PU PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8B PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-15Q PLCC(20) Xilinx XC18V512-PC20 (ID=5023h) PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15SC PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8B-2 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-20H PLCC(20)
Atmel ATF16V8BQL-15SI PLCC(20) MMI(AMD) PAL16L8B-4 PLCC(20) SGS-Thomson GAL16V8-20Q PLCC(20)

226 Manufacturers Supported

3D Plus 3 found Flexxon 10 found Micron 2192 found Sanyo 28 found
ABOV Semiconductor 3 found Force Technologies 32 found Microsemi 130 found Scenix 8 found
AHMS 8 found Foresee 7 found Micross Components 1 found Schlumberger 2 found
AKM 1 found Freescale Semiconductor 3381 found Mitsubishi 154 found Seeq 64 found
AMD 1219 found Fremont Micro Devices 4 found Monolithic Power Systems 49 found Seiko Instruments 12 found
AMI(GOULD) 37 found Fujitsu 321 found Monolithic Silicon 1 found Sharp 201 found
AMIC Technology 120 found GARMIN 16 found Mosaic Semiconductor 1 found SiTel Semiconductor 1 found
AMP Incorporated 1 found GE 4 found Mosel Vitelic 7 found SiTime Corporation 51 found
AT&T Microelectronics 9 found GOWIN Semiconductor 1 found Mostek 22 found Siemens 19 found
AVAGO Technologies. 2 found General Instrument 25 found Motorola 834 found Signetics(Philips) 189 found
AVIDO Systems, Inc. 11 found Generic 19 found NEC 529 found Silego 34 found
Acer Laboratories Inc. 2 found Giantec Semiconductor 5 found NTE Electronics 1 found Silicon Laboratories 497 found
Actel 1001 found GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. 366 found NXP Semiconductors 670 found SiliconTech 3 found
Adesto Technologies 160 found Greenliant Systems 37 found National Semiconductor 382 found Simtek 11 found
Aeroflex 19 found Greenwich 8 found NexFlash 5 found Sino Wealth 4 found
Agile Technologies 5 found Harris 9 found Nordic Semiconductor 25 found Skyhigh 42 found
Alliance Semiconductor 12 found Hitachi 240 found Northrop Grumman 2 found SmarDTV 4 found
Altera 3153 found Holtek 18 found Numonyx 4822 found Smart Modular Technologies 241 found
AnaChip 8 found Hughes 4 found Nuvoton 5 found Socionext 1 found
Analog Devices 139 found Hybrid Memory Products Limited 1 found OKI 55 found Southland Microsystems 4 found
Arium Semiconductor 12 found Hynix Semiconductor 427 found ON Semiconductor 24 found Spansion 7019 found
Atmel 4547 found Hyundai 38 found Oce Technologies 2 found SyncMOS Technologies 6 found
Atmel W&M 94 found ICSI 2 found PLX 1 found Synertek 1 found
Austin Semiconductor 34 found ICT 98 found PMC 32 found Taiyo Yuden 1 found
BAE Systems 10 found IDT 88 found Panasonic 7 found Teklution 6 found
Benchmarq 17 found ILITEK 1 found Parallax, Inc. 4 found Tekmos 4 found
Bowmar/White 10 found ISSI 316 found Philips Semiconductors 523 found Temic 34 found
Bright 7 found Infineon(Siemens) 222 found Potentia Semiconductor 2 found Teridian 26 found
Broadcom 10 found Integrated Circuit Systems 39 found Powervation Ltd. 1 found Terra Semiconductor, Inc. 12 found
CYGNAL Integrated Products 7 found Integrated Memory Technologies 1 found Programmable Silicon Solutions 2 found Texas Instruments 1316 found
Catalyst 251 found Intel 2043 found Puya 1 found Toshiba 423 found
Centennial Technologies, Inc. 28 found Intelligent Memory 3 found QP Labs 16 found Ubicom 11 found
Chipcon 1 found InterWorks Computer Products 31 found Quick Pulse 8 found VLSI Technology 27 found
Cirrus Logic 1 found International Rectifier 46 found ROHM Electronics 19 found Vantis 32 found
Cypress 2224 found Intersil 77 found RPC Electronics 2 found Viking Components 2 found
Dallas Semiconductor 125 found Kingmax 3 found Ramtron 22 found Waferscale Integration 273 found
Delco Electronics 3 found Kingston 55 found Raycon 1 found Weltrend Semiconductor, Inc. 3 found
Dense-Pac 5 found Kioxia 7 found Renesas 1299 found Western Atlas International 2 found
EM Microelectronic 2 found LG Semicon Co. Ltd. 4 found Renesas-H 254 found White Electronic Designs 53 found
EMLSI 4 found Lattice 2250 found Renesas-M 228 found White Microelectronics 21 found
ENE Technology 1 found Lattice/Vantis 316 found Ricoh 15 found White Technology 17 found
EON 200 found Linear Technology 136 found Rochester Electronics 2 found Winbond 751 found
ESMT, Inc. 11 found Linvex Technology 4 found Rockwell 10 found Winstation Systems Inc. 3 found
EXEL 35 found Lucent Technologies 2 found SGS-Thomson 429 found Wuhan Xinxin Semiconductor (XMC) 6 found
Echelon Corporation 6 found Luminary Micro 190 found SILICON7 9 found XEMICS 8 found
Elcon Technology 1 found M-Systems 16 found SMOS 6 found XMOS Ltd. 2 found
Electronic Arrays 1 found MAXIM 60 found SMSC 4 found XTX Technology 3 found
Ember 6 found MEGAWIN 1 found SST 459 found Xerox 9 found
Energy Micro 3 found MMI(AMD) 109 found STAPL 646 found Xicor 167 found
Ericsson 2 found Macronix 1381 found STEC Inc. 2 found Xilinx 539 found
Europe Technologies 2 found MagicRAM 1 found STMicroelectronics 6104 found ZMD 1 found
Everspin Technologies 9 found Maxwell Technologies 7 found SUMMIT Microelectronics 16 found Zbit Semi 1 found
Exar Corporation 16 found Melexis 5 found SafeNet 1 found Zilker Labs, Inc. 20 found
Excel Semiconductor 7 found MemoCom 13 found Saifun Semiconductors 14 found Zilog 943 found
FTDI 13 found Mercury Systems 12 found Samsung 1078 found knitter-switch 1 found
Fairchild 108 found Metorage 3 found SanDisk 141 found
Fidelix 21 found Microchip Technology 4705 found Sandia National Labs 2 found

Server started at 2024-04-05 21:26:14. Database loaded at 2024-09-27 22:03:33. All data provided on a best-efforts basis. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. You may search for an adapter using the following syntax: adapter:ASM48T* or adapter:FX4ASM48TD.