Device Name | STMicroelectronics M29DW641F60ZE-F (ID=300h) |
Manufacturer | STMicroelectronics |
Part Number | M29DW641F60ZE-F (ID=300h) |
8-bit Bytes | nan |
Vcc(program) | 3.3 |
Set programming | Yes |
Memory Regions | 0h-7FFFh; 8000h-3F7FFFh; 3F8000h-3FFFFFh; 400000h-40003Fh; 400040h-40007Fh; |
Electrical Erase | Yes |
Packages | TFBGA(48) |
Notes | IMPORTANT: 64 Mbit Flash Memory with an Extended Memory Block. The Extended Memory Block is mapped from 400000h to 40007Fh (Buffer locations: 800000h - 8000FFh). The first section of this sector [400000h-40003Fh] (buffer locations: [800000h-80007Fh]) is permanently protected in factory and cannot be program. The second section [400040h-40007Fh] (buffer locations: [800080h-8000FFh]) is user programmable and it is an OTP (one-time-programmable) sector with OTP sector protection. When Erasing the Extended Memory Block the programmer will blank-check the sector and will fail the ERASE operation if the area is not blank. The ERASE operation will also fail if the OTP area has been PROTECTED. The default Device Range is set to [000000h-3FFFFFh]. Please select Entire File" under Device Range if Extended Memory Block need to be included. Erase will also fail if the OTP area has been Protected. " |
Programmer | 3900 |
Socket Modules | FVE4ASMRH48TBGB (disc.) |
Device Name with Package | STMicroelectronics M29DW641F60ZE-F (ID=300h) TFBGA(48) |
Device Name with Package and Adapter | STMicroelectronics M29DW641F60ZE-F (ID=300h) TFBGA(48) FVE4ASMRH48TBGB (disc.) |