Socket Adapter (click to buy) | Description | Package | Devices Supported | Adapter Capacity per Site | Sockets per Adapter | Adapter Price | 3710-MK2, 3610, 4710, 4610 | 1710, 2710, 2610, 1610, 1410/84, 1410 | 2710M |
ASM48D300 | Automated SOCKET MODULE, 48 PIN DIP | DIP(42) | 7011 | 1 | 1 | $2,960.00 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
ASM48D600 | Automated SOCKET MODULE, 48 PIN DIP | DIP(42) | 6861 | 1 | 1 | $3,000.00 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
SM48D | SOCKET MODULE, 48 PIN DIP | DIP(42) | 7566 | 1 | 1 | $445.00 | ✔ | ✔ | |
SM48DC | MODIFIED FSM48D, CYPRESS | DIP(42) | 5855 | 1 | 1 | $590.00 | ✔ | ✔ | |
SM48DF | MODIFY FSM48D FOR MOTOROLA DIP | DIP(42) | 5448 | 1 | 1 | $840.00 | ✔ | ✔ | |
SM48DH | SOCKET MODULE, 48 PIN DIP | DIP(42) | 7554 | 1 | 1 | $1,031.00 | ✔ | ✔ |
Device Name | SGS-Thomson ST62T32B |
Manufacturer | SGS-Thomson |
Part Number | ST62T32B |
8-bit Bytes | 8320.0 |
Vcc(program) | nan |
Set programming | nan |
Memory Regions | nan |
Electrical Erase | nan |
Packages | DIP(42) |
Notes | IMPORTANT: EPROM memory locations 0000h - 007Fh 0FA0h - 0FEFh 0FF8h-0FFBh 1000h - 100Fh and 1800h - 180Fh are reserved and must be loaded with (FFh) data only.The 128 bytes of EEPROM are mapped to buffer address 2000h at the end of the memory map.The device must be either programmed 'Set-Unsecure' or 'Set-Secure' using the Device/Options/Securemenu. The 'Disabled' setting will not produce a well-defined device and is for testing purposes only.The verify function tests certain reserved bits that must be programmed to a specific state and cannotbe user-selected. The compare function does not check these bits so verify is preferred when testingdevices. |
Programmer | 2710 |
Socket Modules | SM48D, SM48DH, SM48DC, SM48DF, ASM48D300, ASM48D600, SM48DB (disc.) |
Device Name with Package | SGS-Thomson ST62T32B DIP(42) |
Device Name with Package and Adapter | SGS-Thomson ST62T32B DIP(42) SM48D, SM48DH, SM48DC, SM48DF, ASM48D300, ASM48D600, SM48DB (disc.) |