BPM Microsystems Device Search

Socket Adapters and Programmers Supporting NXP Semiconductors P89LPC934 (TSSOP28) (ID=DD1Dh) SOIC(28)

Socket Adapter (click to buy)DescriptionPackageDevices SupportedAdapter Capacity per SiteSockets per AdapterAdapter Price2900L, 3910, 4910, 3928, 3901, 3900, 2900, 4900, 19003800, 2800, 48003710-MK2, 3610, 4710, 46101710, 2710M, 2710, 2610, 1610, 1410/84, 1410
ASM28TSAutomated SOCKET MODULE, 28 PIN TSSOPSOIC(28)76411$574.53
ASMR28TSAutomated SOCKET MODULE, 28 PIN TSSOPSOIC(28)75711$892.39
FVE4ASMR28TSCBAutomated SOCKET CARD, 28 PIN TSSOPSOIC(28)82, 3 or 41$633.63

Device Parameters

Device NameNXP Semiconductors P89LPC934 (TSSOP28) (ID=DD1Dh)
ManufacturerNXP Semiconductors
Part NumberP89LPC934 (TSSOP28) (ID=DD1Dh)
8-bit Bytes8192.0
Set programmingYes
Memory Regions0h-1BFFh; 1C00h-1FFFh;
Electrical EraseYes
NotesIMPORTANT: Microcontroller with 8Kb Flash.Please set the default buffer value to 0h.The device does not support the Read operation.The Device is verified using the Sum capability of the device.The expected checksum is calculated and compared to the checksum read from the device.When the Boot Status Bit is set the contents of the Boot Vector is used as the high byteof the execution address and the low byte is set to 00H.The factory default setting is 01FH which corresponds to the address 1F00H for the defaultISP boot loader. This boot loader is pre-programmed at the factory into this address spaceand can be erased by the user. If the Sector 7 ISP Protection is set then the sector locationsTo program the options in the Device Config menu you must select the appropriate optionsin that menu AND you must ENABLE secure.Otherwise none of the options will be programmed. The device has three security bits for a sector.If only security bit 0 is programmed then the device cannot be verified. Bit 0 can be erased usingsector erase. If security bit 2 is programmed then the bit and the corresponding sector can onlybe erased by erasing the entire device.Programming bit 6 of Boot Status Byte under Device Config" will disable further writesto the user programmable configuration bytes. "
Socket ModulesFVE4ASMR28TSCB
Device Name with PackageNXP Semiconductors P89LPC934 (TSSOP28) (ID=DD1Dh) SOIC(28)
Device Name with Package and AdapterNXP Semiconductors P89LPC934 (TSSOP28) (ID=DD1Dh) SOIC(28) FVE4ASMR28TSCB

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Server started at 2024-04-05 21:26:14. Database loaded at 2025-01-28 22:33:16. All data provided on a best-efforts basis. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. You may search for an adapter using the following syntax: adapter:ASM48T* or adapter:FX4ASM48TD.