BPM Microsystems Device Search

Socket Adapters and Programmers Supporting Atmel AT89C51ED2-SMUIM (ID=D7h) PLCC(68)

Socket Adapter (click to buy)DescriptionPackageDevices SupportedAdapter Capacity per SiteSockets per AdapterAdapter Price3710-MK2, 3610, 4710, 46101710, 2710, 2610, 16102710M1410/84, 1410
ASM68PAutomated SOCKET MODULE, 68 PIN PLCC,PLCC(68)33811$530.00
ASM68PCAutomated SOCKET MODULE, 68 PIN PLCCPLCC(68)34011$1,150.00
ASM68PEAutomated SOCKET MODULE, 68 PIN PLCCPLCC(68)33811$629.63
ASM68PMAutomated SOCKET MODULE, 68 PIN PLCCPLCC(68)29011$908.18
Note: The following adapters are currently obsolete: Note: adapter_name=SM68PM part_number=FSM68PM is marked obsolete because Activity Code is O.
Note: adapter_name=SM68PW part_number=FSM68PW is marked obsolete because OBS in Description.
Note: adapter_name=SM84AH part_number=FSM84AH is marked obsolete because Activity Code is O.
Note: adapter_name=SM84AHA part_number=FSM84AHA is marked obsolete because Activity Code is O.
Note: adapter_name=SM84UPB part_number=FSM84UPB is marked obsolete because BPM Item not found.

Device Parameters

Device NameAtmel AT89C51ED2-SMUIM (ID=D7h)
Part NumberAT89C51ED2-SMUIM (ID=D7h)
8-bit Bytes67584.0
Set programmingnan
Memory Regionsnan
Electrical EraseYes
NotesIMPORTANT: Microcontroller with Flash.64KByte User Memory is mapped into 0000h-FFFFh2KB Data Memory (EEPROM) is mapped into 10000h-107FFh.Part can be secured by programming Lock bits 0through 2 of HSB under SECURE options:bit 0 (LB0): Parallel programming is disabled.bit 1 (LB1): Parallel program/verify are disabled.bit 2 (LB2): Parallel program/verify/external execution are disabled.Bit7 6 and 3 of HSB are set under Device Config (X2 BLJB and XRAM).Erasing the device does not clear bits X2 and BLJB. However these bits can be toggled betweenSET and CLEARED by executing a program operation.If the security bits are activated a Chip Erase operation has to be executed before programming the device.XAF content is lost after a chip erase". XAF content is restored after a program operation.Due to hardware limitations verify voltage can only be as high as 5.2V. "
Socket ModulesSM68PB, SM68PE, SM68PC, SM68PMA, SM68P, SM68PA, SM84UP, ASM68PE, ASM68PC, ASM68P, ASM68PM, SM68PW (disc.), SM68PM (disc.), SM84AH (disc.), SM84UPB (disc.), SM84AHA (disc.)
Device Name with PackageAtmel AT89C51ED2-SMUIM (ID=D7h) PLCC(68)
Device Name with Package and AdapterAtmel AT89C51ED2-SMUIM (ID=D7h) PLCC(68) SM68PB, SM68PE, SM68PC, SM68PMA, SM68P, SM68PA, SM84UP, ASM68PE, ASM68PC, ASM68P, ASM68PM, SM68PW (disc.), SM68PM (disc.), SM84AH (disc.), SM84UPB (disc.), SM84AHA (disc.)

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Server started at 2024-04-05 21:26:14. Database loaded at 2025-01-27 22:33:00. All data provided on a best-efforts basis. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. You may search for an adapter using the following syntax: adapter:ASM48T* or adapter:FX4ASM48TD.